Woman Claims Pittsburgh Public Schools Passed Her Over for Promotions and Raises due to Reverse Racism

Kristen Frankovich (a white woman) has worked as chief executive secretary for the Pittsburgh Public Schools district since 2007. She filed a racial discrimination suit against the district on Thursday.

What We Know:

  • Frankovich accused the district of “consistently passing her over for raises, promotions and various other advancement opportunities in favor of less-experienced African-American employees”. When she was appointed as a secretary in 2017, she pointed to other black coworkers who were paid more but did less than she did. She was also most recently denied a promotion in 2018, according to The Root.
  • In 2012, she alleged that the district gave the position of acting account clerk to a less-qualified black employee instead of giving it to her. In 2014, she stated that the district hired a black employee and increased the pay by $4,832 a year and the employee was hired to cover Frankovich’s vacated position. She said she didn’t get any raises during her time in that position.
  • In 2014, Frankovich said she was also denied a promotion to management level and the reason was lack of money. During that time, she alleges the district paid $30,000 more to a less-experienced black employee. Also in 2015, Frankovich’s workload increased but she didn’t get a raise.
  • She is seeking unspecified damages, back pay, and benefits.
  • The lawsuit stated the district’s conduct was “part of a plan, pattern or practice of discrimination” that may also affect other district employees. Frankovich also reached out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

Pittsburgh Public Schools solicitor Ira Weiss said the district doesn’t comment on pending litigation.