First-Class Passenger Gives Seat to 88-Year-Old Stranger

A kind passenger extended his generosity by volunteering his luxurious first-class seat to a complete stranger.

What We Know:

  • Flight attendant Leah Amy witnessed the entire act of kindness and later shared the heartwarming story with her Facebook friends, which has since gone viral. According to the flight attendant, Jack is the man responsible for the selfless act, which became the perfect holiday gift.
  • Jack formed an instant bond with another passenger named Violet, as the two sparked a conversation while waiting for their flight to board. Once Violet boarded the flight, she headed down to Economy class. Unbeknownst to Violet, Jack was right behind her. He would then do the unthinkable by offering his first-class seat to Violet. The generous act shocked everyone on board, including Violet.
  • During Violet’s 88 years of living, she had never flown in first class before and Jack made her dreams come true. This was an amazing Christmas gift that Violet is sure to remember forever.
  • “You should of seen her face, when I tucked her in her bed after supper She said her daughter won’t believe her, and wanted a selfie to prove it, but didn’t have a phone or an email address. These photos are getting sent in the post tomorrow, can you even cope, Leah wrote.
  • Jack and Violet were both deemed Leah’s “favorite passengers ever”. There was an overwhelming amount of love and support behind this story in the replies of the Facebook post. One user wrote: “this just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love reading these stories about people doing great things out of the kindness of their hearts 🙂. In a world where there is a lot of negativity, it’s nice to see these positive posts.”

It’s not only a beautiful thing to experience an act of kindness but to be a witness to the act is just as humbling.