Detroit man released from prison after spending 32 years behind bars for a murder he did not commit

Danny Burton spent 32 years in prison but is now released. The only issue? He never committed the crime.

What We Know:

  • Burton was a teenager when he was found guilty of murdering Leonard Ruffin. Fifteen years ago, Burton wrote a letter to Claudia Whitman at the National Capital Crime Assistance Network claiming he was innocent. Whitman volunteers to investigate wrongful conviction cases, according to Denver 7.
  • The team investigated the case, talked to witnesses, and found a prisoner who will eventually sign an affidavit that named the real killers of the 1987 murder of Leonard Ruffin in Detroit.
  • When Burton was released due to the work of Whitman’s team, he was able to see his mom but a lot of his family is not around anymore. His dad passed away from a heart attack years ago and his sister passed away last year.
  • Burton’s attorney took him to The Suit Depot where he received a new suit for court. He also requested to go to McDonald’s after being released.

Danny is now trying to help free other men in prison for crimes they didn’t commit. Danny said “A lot of them can’t read or write to seek assistance”.