Tyler Perry Covers $14K Medical Bill Of Atlanta Black Couple

An Atlanta couple found themselves detained after they were not able to fork up $14,000 worth of medical expenses. Luckily, Tyler Perry stepped up to assist.

What We Know:

  • While on a Carnival cruise with his fiance Tori Austin, Stephen Johnson became ill. Johnson slipped into a diabetic coma, suffered from pancreatitis, and a kidney infection. He was rushed to a private hospital in Progreso, Mexico to receive intensive care and spent over a week in critical condition.
  • According to a hospital administrator at Centro Médico Americano, after Johnson was checked in on November 14, he had to undergo dialysis due to suffering from kidney failure.
  • After undergoing an endoscopy, dialysis, three days of intensive care and many other medical procedures, Johnson’s medical bill totaled over $14,000.
  • Like many other private hospitals in Mexico, Centro Médico Americano does not have a system that allows them to bill patients upon release. Because of this, their policy is that all bills must be paid in full at the time of discharge.
  • Unaware of the policy, the couple soon found out when they tried to leave on Tuesday. They were informed that the bill had to be paid first.
  • Tyler Perry saw their story on Good Morning America and quickly called ABC affiliate WSB in Atlanta to see how he could help. Johnson said Tyler Perry called his personal cellphone and said “Hey, I want to pay your bill.” Johnson referred to Tyler Perry as a “superhero” after his kind gesture.

Johnson’s bill has been paid in full and he believes the hospital will clear him to travel back to Atlanta, GA. Tyler Perry has offered to pay their travel expenses as well.