Trump says he won’t allow Navy to derank SEAL who posed with ISIS corspe

Special Operations Chief Eddie Gallagher might be removed from his status as Navy SEAL after he posed with an ISIS corpse.

What We Know:

  • Lt. Jacob Portier, Lt. Cmdr. Robert Breisch, and Lt. Thomas MacNeil wrote a letter stating the board will decide whether they “displayed a gross lack of professional or personal judgment, lack of moral or ethical behavior, and/or conduct inconsistent with the SEAL ethos,” according to NPR.
  • Gallagher was sentenced to four months of confinement and also demoted from chief to petty officer first class for killing a wounded ISIS fighter in Iraq but was acquitted of the war crime. If they also revoke his rank, he won’t be able to wear the Navy SEAL trident on his collar.
  • Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott told the court that he blocked the prisoner’s breathing tube and killed him as an act of mercy after Gallagher stabbed him.
  • Trump issued an order to restore Gallagher’s pay grade and has spoken positively about him over Twitter. Many veterans disagreed with Trump’s order to promote Gallagher to his former status. Trump also pardoned two Army officers accused of war crimes. They fear the precedent this can set with other army officials avoiding common training protocols.

The prosecutor has urged the jury to convict Gallagher due to additional text messages he sent with the photos that stated “Good story behind this. Got him with my hunting knife.”