“Bring It!’ Dance Coach Pleads Guilty to Rape & Exposing 16-Year-Old Boy to HIV

John Conner III, also known as “Coach John” from the hit television show Bring It!, has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, one including statutory rape.

What We Know:

  • Conner, 30, is known as the coach of the Memphis, Tennessee based dance team, “THE INFAMOUS DANCERETTES”. He is charged with “statutory rape by an authority figure, criminal exposure to HIV, and soliciting sexual exploitation of a minor” reports CBS42.
  • Conner met the victim via social media in 2015, when he was 26 and the minor was 16. The minor joined Conner’s dance team and met up with him to have unprotected sex several times in his car. After rumors spread of Conner being diagnosed with HIV, the teen revealed their relationship to his parents and requested to get tested.
  • The Shelby County District Attorney’s Office stated Tuesday in a news release that text messages between Conner and the teen “included details about their sexual activity and even nude photos”. Conner was diagnosed with HIV in 2012, and the teen advised that Conner never revealed his status to him.
  • The dance coach was expected to appear in court this week for his trial, but decided to plead guilty instead.

Conner is scheduled to be sentenced December 20th and faces more charges for two more cases in which one involves another minor.