Roger Stone Found Guilty on All Counts in Obstruction Case Stemming From Mueller Probe

Roger Stone, a longtime friend, and adviser to President Donald Trump was found guilty on Friday on all federal counts in a trial stemming from making false statements to Congress, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering.

What We Know:

  • Stone, 67, will face sentencing Thursday, February 6. “Witness tampering can carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison while other counts carry a maximum sentence of five years each,” according to Yahoo.
  • Randy Credico, a New York radio host and comedian, tried to warn Mr. Stone for months that his lies would catch up to his but he didn’t want to listen.
  • In September 2017, Stone downplayed his ties to WikiLeaks in connection to Russia and the 2016 election. He also claimed he had no emails, texts, or documents of any kind related to WikiLeaks.
  • Stone, in-fact, lied about the ties and information he had related to WikiLeaks. On the very day that Stone told the House committee that he only communicated with Credico over the phone or in person, the two men had exchange 72 text messages, prosecutors showed.
  • WikiLeaks plans to release the emails stolen from Democrats, including Clinton’s campaign chairman John Pedestal.
  • According to Yahoo, “Stone joins Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, and Rick Gates as Trump associates who have been convicted for lying to federal authorities”.
  • The Jury had deliberated for several hours over the course of two days before reaching their final decision.

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