Supreme Court Rules Sandy Hook Parents can Sue Gun Maker Remington Arms

Families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting can now sue gun maker Remington Arms Co. This company manufactured the AR-15 used in the 2012 massacre.

What We Know:

  • Twenty children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School and now the families have the chance to get some justice. The case was filed four years ago and went through many hoops to get to this point, according to ABC. The case against the gun maker will now continue to trial in Connecticut.
  • The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled last March that the Sandy Hook families could sue the gun makers by arguing that they violated the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA) which prohibits the selling of military weapons to civilians.
  • The Supreme Court denied a petition for review filed by Remington Arms. The justices did not offer an explanation for their decision to deny the review for the request to take up the case.
  • Bushmaster Firearms International, which is owned by Remington, is the defendant and was first to be connected with the shooting.

Remington has argued they are protected under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). The NRA has also joined to support the gun makers and to urge the court to end the lawsuit.