Stephen Smith Gets in A Fued With Panthers Safety Eric Reid Over Kaepernick

ESPN’s Stephen Smith was castigated by Carolina Panther’s safety Eric Reid over his response to Kaepernick’s behavior.

What We Know:

  • Kaepernick was offered an opportunity to show his athleticism to league members at a “workout” event on Saturday. Half an hour before the event was set to begin, Kaepernick called an audible, moving the event to a high school in Riverdale, Georgia. This was because the NFL didn’t allow Kaepernick to bring his own camera crew. The NFL also wanted him to sign a waiver that would prohibit him from suing the NFL if he didn’t get picked up by a team following the workout.
  • Due to the option move, Smith responded with this first video. Reid later responded with the message below which soon led to multiple tweets from Smith.



  • Reid used to be teammates with Kaepernick on the San Francisco 49ers and even knelt with him during the National Anthem.

Two NFL teams were interested in taking Kaepernick. As of right now, Reid hasn’t responded anymore to Smith.