Chipotle May Run Out Of It’s Popular New Dish

The carne asada supply is expected to vanish around late next month.

What We Know:

  • The dish started in September as a way to boost consumer engagement, and it seemed to be a home run, according to CNN. John Hartung, the company’s chief financial officer stated: “We only have enough supply for carne asada to last us for part of the quarter.” Sales at stores spiked 11% and revenue jumped 14.6% to $1.4 billion in the third quarter.
  • This isn’t the first time Chipotle has had a supply issue. Supply and demand for avocados were low during summer but has stabilized, officials said. The company went on to say they are looking to expand their supply into Peru so they can become less reliant on Mexican avocados, according to USA TODAY.

CEO Brian Niccol stated how the company is expanding its food list with new quesadillas, salads, and new queso called Queso Blanco. This expansion also includes 165 new restaurants by 2020.