Kanye West Reveals to Pastor that He Almost Quit Rap Music

Chicago native/rapper Kanye West told his pastor that he wanted to quit rap music.

What We Know:

  • Adam Tyson, pastor of the Placerita Bible Church in California, revealed in a recent interview on how the “Heartless” rapper told him he wanted to quit rap music. During an interview with Apologia Studios, Tyson tells how West came to his decision.
  • “One time, he told me that he wasn’t going to rap. I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘Well, that’s the devil’s music,'” expressed Pastor Tyson around the 23:30 time mark in the interview. Tyson says that he encouraged West to not give up on his gift, saying in the interview: “I said, ‘Hey man, rap is a genre. You can rap for God.'”
  • Tyson claims that he believed West was already thinking this and gave him another affirmation saying, “Hey bro, I think you need to use your talents that God’s given you and use that platform for God.” Tyson also revealed that West began attending his church in May of this year, after finding out that one of the nannies of his kids and an Adidas staff member who worked on West’s clothing line, YEEZY, applied as new members.
  • Tyson also elaborated on West’s testimony to him, saying how he felt that he was guilty of all sins, due to him being such a famous rapper. “The guilt of sin brought him down low. He would say the devil basically brought him to a place where he just felt like he was in bondage to his sin. So he said, ‘I got delivered.'”

Thank God Kanye West hasn’t completely given up on music. His new gospel album, Jesus Is King, is due to drop on Friday, October 25. We’re anxious to hear it. What about you all? Sound off in the comments!