Man who murdered Toya Wright’s Brothers Sentenced to Life in Prison

After three years, Lil Wayne’s ex wife, Toya Wright and her family have received justice for the murder of her younger brothers.

What We Know:

  • On July 31, 2016, Wright tragically lost her siblings Ryan and Joshua Johnson to gun violence in the Seventh Ward of New Orleans. The pair was just 24 and 31-years-old at the time. According to police reports, the brothers were found dead in a vehicle with multiple gunshot wounds.
  • Witnesses later identified Antoine Edwards, 34, as the gunman they allegedly saw fleeing the scene of the crime. He was charged with two counts of second degree murder initially and found guilty. Edwards reportedly bragged about his treacherous act prior to his arrest, which was an indication that he lacked remorse for his actions.
  • On Monday, the judge sentenced Edwards to mandatory life in prison. The course of the trial lasted three full days leading up to a short deliberation of two hours before the verdict was announced.
  • According to Assistant District Attorney Ashley Spears, the killing was over a petty misunderstanding of entrance and exit doors at Edwards home where he allegedly dealt drugs. “This man got upset because these two men went to the front of the trap house instead of the back, and he shoots them,” she said.
  • The Johnson family declined to make a statement at the closing of the trial however, there was a short sigh of relief from the family who can hopefully gain closure.
  • Toya shared a simple photo that read “justice,” alongside the caption “Three years later,” via Instagram.

A criminal is off the streets for good in New Orleans, which is a relief. The family can now focus on healing and feeling safer after this verdict. We’d also like to send our condolences to the family and friends of Ryan and Joshua Johnson.



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3 years later…..

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