Racist Landlord Suffers Possible Stroke After Calling Tenant The N-Word

Eugene Simonetti, a racist landlord is in the hospital suffering a stroke after committing battery towards Veronica Cochran, while throwing racial slurs, according to Daily News.

What We Know:

  • Rocco Simonetti is the landlord’s son and he went with his dad to Cochran’s apartment at 1:10 p.m. While Cochran was sleeping, her kids woke her up, warning her that someone was banging on her door. Prosecutors alleged that Simonetti was screaming “You do not belong here, n—-r”.
  • Simonetti went to the apartment due to paint leaking down to the bottom floor. When he knocked on the door no one answered. Simonetti removed the hinges from his tenant’s door while she was sleeping to gain entry.
  • Simonetti then began beating her with a cane while the son punched her. Her kids were watching all of this. Simonetti was charged with burglary, assault, child endangerment, and 20 more.

The father hasn’t been charged yet due to him being in the hospital.  Rocco was released without bail and was demanded by the judge to stay away from the tenants. The Simonetti family denies any wrongdoing.