Lupita Nyong’o Talks Colorism And New Book

An issue that can be found in many cultures across the world, Lupita Nyong’o reflects on from her childhood and says that colorism is “alive and well.”

What We Know:

  • In a stream of tweets, Nyong’o addressed her younger self and how underrepresented little girls who looked like her were in books and went on to say that “it is not just a prejudice reserved for places with a largely white population” but that it is ever-present around the globe and in Kenya.

  • This is not the first time that the award-winning actress has spoken out against the issue that is colorism, back in 2014 in an interview with Glamourshe referred to Euro-centric beauty standards as a “plague” on the entire world. “The idea that darker skin is not beautiful, that light skin is the key to success and love,” she continued.
  • In 2017, Nyong’o criticized Grazia UK for featuring an altered image of her hair on its cover. The actress pointed to a long history of discrimination against Black hair and Black hair textures.

Lupita will be adding published author to her list of titles, Sulwe is set to release October 15. She says that the book serves as a mirror for dark-skinned children and a window for others to peer into.