Knock-off Marijuana Vape Tests shows they were Tainted with Hydrogen Cyanide

The dangers of vaping are being shown more every week in the news. Now, a recent CDC report says a rare form of pneumonia is connected with the almost 500 recorded vape deaths, according to NBC.

What We Know:

  • NBC commissioned a cannabis facility to test samples of THC cartridges. In the legal dispensaries they found no dangerous materials. In the black market sample they found fungicide, Vitamin E, pesticides, and myclobutanil. All of these cause massive lung damage when inhaled.
  • Vice President of Operations at CannaSafe Antonio Frazier stated after the tests, “You certainly don’t want to be smoking cyanide. I don’t think anyone would buy a cart that was labeled hydrogen cyanide on it.”
  • The tobacco industry is happy that all of this bad news is appearing about vaping. They have hopes of seeing a potential increase in tobacco demand.

The FDA is investigating 80 vaping product samples received from patients. No results have been made public at this time, according to the New York Times.