Elizabeth Warren Holds Rally in NYC

Elizabeth Warren held a campaign rally in New York and received her biggest turn out yet.

What We Know:

  • Elizabeth Warren delivered a speech on September 16 at a campaign rally held in Washington Square Park in New York City. The campaign team was expecting around 8,000 to 10,000 supporters to show up. However, over 20,000 people turned out to support the Democratic senator from Massachusetts.
  • Her speech focused on political corruption in American politics and she called out Donald Trump for his corrupt ways. She vowed to create systematic change from the inside.
  • She spoke of her admiration for advocate Frances Perkins and her role in workplace reforms. She also spoke about the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which killed 146 garment workers. “We’re not here today because of famous arches or famous men. In fact, we’re not here because of men at all,” she said. “We’re here because of some hard-working women.” 
  • She also mentioned her plan for a wealth tax, a 2 cent tax on fortunes over $50 million. The crowd seemed to like this plan as they began chanting, “Two cents! Two cents! Two cents!”

Warren has an ability to discuss policies in a simple way and her relationship with voters seems genuine as the candidate stayed after the rally, taking selfies with supporters for four hours.