Mexican Man Deported 6 Times Pleads Guilty in Missouri Meth Conspiracy, Feds Say

An illegal immigrant who entered the United States at least seven times, is headed to prison after pleading guilty to drug trafficking charges in Missouri on Thursday, according to federal prosecutors.

What We Know:

  • Armando Quintana-Galaz, 37, resides in Springfield, Missouri. Galaz plead guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine.
  • Galaz also plead guilty to having multiple firearms in his possession, a drug-trafficking crime, and illegally reentering the United States after being deported multiple times.
  • Prior to Galaz arrest on Noveber 2, 2017, he had been deported from the United States six times. When law enforcement enforced a search warrant at Galaz’s residence, they found approximately 189 grams of pure methamphetamine in the master bedroom.
  • According to Ledger, “Galaz is the fifth defendant in this case to plead guilty. He admitted that he sold and distributed methamphetamine, he received and transported illicit drug proceeds as part of his involvement in the conspiracy.”

Galaz is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in federal prison without parole and up to a sentence of life in federal prison without parole.