Nancy Pelosi Fired Back At Reporters Over Repeated Impeachment Questions

Nancy Pelosi was pressed to accept that Congress is in the middle of an impeachment investigation, according to ABC.

What We Know:

  • Pelosi has been acting ambivalent towards impeachment to appease the moderates. At times she has said she’s against it, including that “Trump is not worth it”.
  • A reporter placed Pelosi in a situation to address the rumors of impeachment. It was clear that this made her angry. It lead to her passive-aggressively saying “Have you been paying attention to what we are talking about?”
  • Aside from that, Pelosi praised the work of the House Judiciary Committee and contended that House Democrats were doing the best for America.

  • Pelosi also advised the Democratic candidates to bring a message that’s attractive to the people and to not attack the president or his voters. She stated how she has talked to people outside of Washington that are telling her to be careful about the idea of pushing impeachment, especially with the election is only a year away.
  • When asked who her favorite candidate was she brushed it aside by stating “…No, they’re all great, they’re all great…”

Republicans brushed aside the meeting stating that the Democrats are all talk, but no action. They compared the move to the Instagram filter and how it appears that something is happening, yet nothing is.