Ben & Jerry’s Takes on Criminal Justice Reform with New ‘Justice Remix’d’ Flavor

The next time you take a lick at that ice cream, know that you’re supporting a company that fights for criminal justice reform.

What We Know:

  •  Justice ReMix’d is new flavor from Ben & Jerry which is meant to spread light to “structural racism and a broken criminal justice system,”  according to the founders. This new flavor has cinnamon and chocolate ice cream, with mixes of cinnamon bun dough and spicy fudge brownies.

  • A portion of the money you spend on these treats will go towards the Advancement Project National Office, a multi-racial civil rights group that “exists to fulfill America’s promise of a caring, inclusive and just democracy,” according to their website.
  • They are also working to close the workhouse jail in Miami and advanced project in St. Louis, which the company describes as a gateway from school to prison. They also are working with the Advancement Project and Miami’s Power U Center for Social Change. They are confronting Miami-Dade County School Board for spending too much money on security and protection over mental health professionals and other services students can use.  During the summer they brought their own Scoop Truck over to Miami, this was done to make conversation and help out community events.
  • Since May 2018, they have spent millions of dollars in Facebook ads condemning mass incarceration and advocating for funding of mental health, according to The Root.

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