Prime Minister’s Boris Johnson Brother Jo Johnson Resigns as MP And Minister

After suffering a series of unfortunate events, such as failing in his bid to hold new elections, Johnson has suffered another blow from an unlikely source, his brother Jo. Jo announced that he was resigning and stepping down as a member of the parliament. 

What We Know:

  • Jo Johnson made a statement on Twitter in regards to his resignation.

  • Jo’s departure comes days after the prime minister expelled 21 lawmakers from his own party for voting against his Brexit plans. 
  • The prime minister planned to take the U.K. out of the European Union on October 31st which faced major setbacks on Wednesday. The significant delays occurred when lawmakers forced him to request another extension to Brexit and blocked his attempt to call an early and snap decision. 
  • This is not the first time the Johnson family disagreed on things related to the government. Johnson’s sister Rachel represents parties that oppose Brexit. Johnson’s father Stanley is a committed europhile and former European Commission official.
  • The backlash against Boris Johnson has led to discontent within his party. 
  • Robert Hazell, a professor of government and the Consititution at University College London said “He is a very Trumpian kind of leader and he has tried to lead in a populist way and a very nationalist way. He has tried to strong-arm his party, and orthodox, traditional old-school Conservatives find that very difficult to stomach.”

The prime minister continued to push for a new election yesterday to find a solution to the country’s latest Brexit impasse. The British government says it will try again next week for the new vote after its failed first attempt.