Wedding Venue in Mississippi Refuses to Rent to Engaged Interracial Couple

A wedding venue in Mississippi has refused to rent to an engaged, interracial couple.

What We Know:

  • The couple had been making wedding preparations with Boone’s Camp Event Hall for a week before the owners put a complete stop on the festivities.
  • After finding out the unfortunate news from her brother and soon to be sister-in-law, LaKambria Welch, decided to pay the venue a visit.
  • Welch, a Mississippi State student posted the following video (August 31) to her Facebook account, as well as, had it shared via Twitter.

  • “First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race because of our Christian race… I mean, our Christian beliefs,” states an elderly white woman, who Welch is speaking to in the video.
  • In her Facebook post, Welch explained the rage she felt about the discrimination. “I just really don’t think God is pleased by the work these people in America are doing… You CAN NOT love Jesus and treat HIS children like this.” Since posting the video, Welch has received nonstop feedback. Meanwhile, the business Facebook page for Boone’s Camp Event Hallis currently disabled.

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