Criminal Charges Against Epstein being Dropped but Civil Lawsuits Against Estate Continue

Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal case has been closed after his suicide, but his victims still plan to make him pay.

What We Know:

  • In July, Jeffrey Epstein, a multi-millionaire financier, was charged with sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy in New York federal court. The charges stem from accusations of dozens of women who claim he sexually abused them as teenagers from 2002-2005.
  • Epstein had allegedly run a child-prostitution ring forcing girls as young as 14 to perform sexual acts on himself and his associates in exchange for money.
  • Epstein’s criminal trial came to a halt when he was found hanging in his jail cell on August 10. Some felt Epstein’s death while in custody was suspicious. Video footage from a hallway camera near his cell was deemed unusable in the investigation into the circumstances of his death.
  • A federal grand jury investigation is underway as authorities are seeking to understand the circumstances of his death. The 66-year-old cannot serve any jail time, but his victims are still seeking justice. Many of the women have launched lawsuits against his estate. His net worth was estimated at over $550 million at the time of his death.
  • Jennifer Araoz of New York was the first woman to sue Epstein’s estate under the Child Victims Act which expands the amount of time sexual assault victims can sue their abusers, the New York Times reported.
  • Attorney Gloria Allred told FOX that she is working on five lawsuits against Epstein’s estate on behalf of his victims. She stated her clients are seeking “the truth and justice, which they were denied by the criminal justice system.”
  • “They had to pay for their medical bills, therapy bills, lost wages and pain and suffering… his estate should bear the cost of the wrong and should compensate the victims for the very, very substantial harm,” she explained.
  • Other lawyers representing his victims have also come forward announcing plans to sue the estate. Some suits will be launched anonymously per the women’s requests.

These women deserve justice. Hopefully, these suits will bring them closure and peace.