Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Receives Three Weeks of Radiation Treatment

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is treating a malignant tumor on her pancreas in a New York hospital, according to Fox News.

What We Know:

  • The tumor was revealed through a routine blood test in July. She began radiation on August 5 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
  • Ginsberg has undergone surgery in the past twice for cancer. In December 2018, she removed cancerous nodules from her left lung. Ginsburg also had rib fractures last Fall. In addition to this, she had pancreatic cancer in 2009 and colorectal cancer in 1999.
  • Her fans are hoping for the best like Kate Mckinnon, where she gave Ginsburg massive applause from the crowd.

  • Justices tend to return to work in September with the next Supreme Court term being on October 7. Despite canceling the Summer fest to Santa Fe, Ginsburg has 11 public events which she hasn’t canceled, according to NPR.
  • In 1993, she was appointed by Bill Clinton, which means she still has more than a decade to go if she wants to pass with Justice John Paul Stevens, who passed away last month.

Even at the age of 86 she has stated that she has no desire to leave her spot in the Supreme court. In an Interview Ginsburg talked about a conversation she had with Justice Stevens, “I said that my dream is that I will stay at the court as long as he did,” she said. “And his immediate response was, ‘Stay longer!'”