Trump Called Himself “The Chosen One” Sparking #25thAmendmentNow to Trend on Twitter

President Donald Trump told reporters “I am the chosen one” in a press conference Wednesday, inspiring public doubt about his fitness to be president with the #25thAmendmentNow.

What We Know:

  • Trump looked to the heavens and told reporters “I am the chosen one” in front of the White House during a press conference Wednesday before he left for a veterans event in Kentucky. He was answering a question about the trade war with China, saying past presidents left him the job of sorting the economic relationship between China and the US. Additionally, Trump quoted someone on Fox and Friends who called him the “King of Israel.”

  • The incident has sparked public outrage with the hashtag #25thAmendmentNow.The 25th Amendment allows for the Constitutional removal of a president or vice president by cabinet members in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation. The hashtag became the top trending topic on Twitter yesterday and stayed there for hours as people claimed he is not mentally fit to be president.
  • In the same speech, Trump slammed the Danish Prime Minister and canceled his planned visit to Denmark in two weeks over a Twitter fight; Trump tweeted that he wanted to purchase Greenland, Denmark, but Prime Minister Mette Frederikson said that sale would be “absurd.” Trump responded with an angry Tweet canceling the visit he allegedly planned himself.

  • Trump also thanked Conservative author and radio host Wayne Allyn Root for calling him “the King of Israel,” sparking further frustration with Trump’s rant Wednesday. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America…the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel,” Root said. Trump claimed that no American Jew should vote for a democrat because democratic candidates like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib “hate Israel and all Jewish people.”

These topics are just the tip of the iceberg of Trump’s rant-like speech Wednesday; he also covered economics, Russia, changing the Constitution, ISIS and much more.