Daniel Pantaleo, Officer who Killed Eric Garner, FIRED from NYPD

Now former officer Daniel Pantaleo has been fired from the NYPD.

What We Know:

  • Eric Garner’s death sparked national outrage and protests after the video of him repeatedly stating “I can’t breathe” was released and Pantaleo was not immediately fired.  The arrest was for the charge of Garner allegedly illegally selling cigarettes.
  • Pantaleo has been under fire following the death of Eric Garner on July 17, 2014.  An internal affairs investigation was conducted along with a departmental investigation that led to a recommendation for his termination.  Prior to this tragic event, Pantaleo was investigated but found not guilty for conducting an illegal stop and was also placed on Level 1 Force Monitoring, a precinct level slap on the hand, for having 3 or more Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) within a one-year period (See section III.A for monitoring levels).
  • Pantaleo was investigated for the incident but a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict him on the charges at the time.  This was followed by the Justice Department also declining to file charges against the officer earlier this year.
  • Earlier this month a NY judge recommended the officer be terminated.  A 46-page opinion, obtained by NYT, was handed down by Judge Rosemarie Maldonado, stating Pantaleo “recklessly used force. in that he used a chokehold against Eric Garner, causing physical injury.”  The statement goes on to say “Respondent’s use of a prohibited chokehold was reckless and constituted a gross deviation from the standard of conduct established for a New York City police officer.”
  • The judge’s statement ends with a recommendation that Pantaleo be dismissed from the New York Police Department. Since July 2014 he has been placed on desk duty on Staten Island pending the results of the investigations.
  • After five years since the tragic loss of Eric Garner, New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill announced today that Daniel Pantaleo has now officially been fired.

Our hearts and prayers are still with the family of Eric Garner as we recognize this is still a miscarriage of justice and does not feel like a victory at all.