Black Home Buyer Finds Ku Klux Klan Application While Placing Offer on Home

Holton, Michigan couple Rob and Reyna Mathis were ready to place an offer on a home  — until they came across an official application for the Ku Klux Klan and other racist materials inside.

What We Know:

  • On August 7, Rob Mathis took to Facebook to post a picture of the framed official application and explain what happened. He wrote, “My wife and I have been house shopping for a little over a month now; searching houses in Sterling Heights, GrandRapids, Hudsonville, and Muskegon…Today we were looking at a house in Holton that we both agreed would be perfect, so we meet our realtor to see the house it’s beautiful…”
  • “As we are walking to the house I’m seeing confederate flags on the walls the dining room table and even the garage. I’m thinking to myself as a joke I’m walking to the imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan‘s house right now…So to my surprise as I walk into the bedroom there’s an application for the Ku Klux Klan in a frame on the wall and this home is an officer of the Muskegon Police Department…” he continued to state. 
  • “I immediately stopped my walk-through and informed the realtor that I am not writing an offer on this home and I am leaving now. I feel sick to my stomach knowing that I walk to the home of one of the most racist people in Muskegon hiding behind his uniform and possibly harassing people of color and different nationalities…I’ve thought about this for a few hours now and I thought I would just share with you a picture of the application on the wall. To the officer, I know who you are and I will be looking at resources to expose your prejudice…” Mathis finished.
  • The owner of the home, Charles Anderson, is definitely in hot water. The Muskegon police department posted its own statement about the situation.

  • Anderson was immediately placed on administrative leave and the case will be investigated.

Something must be done to get Anderson out of here for good.