North Carolina Dad Dies Trying To Save His Two Children

North Carolina father of seven died on Sunday as he heroically tired to rescue four of his children from drowning.

What We Know:

  • 35 year old Jonny Lee Vann, Jr. passed away July 17 as rescue crew tried to revive him from drowning in the rough waters of Wrightsville Beach.
  • Around 4 p.m, the four children were walking alongside the submerged jetty wall when they fell into the water.
  • Caption Jason Bishop told ABC News, “Johnny was able to pul his children to safety but was unable to stay above the current after he dove back in for the second.”
  • Lifeguards and bystanders ran to help Vann, he insisted they save his children first. Vann said, “Forget about me, Get my kids!”
  • Vann’s wife Dawn said she rather it been her instead of him. He’s an excellent father.

Vann’s Family started a GoFund Me account to help pay for his funeral expenses and counseling for his wife and children.