Amy McGrath and Mike Broihier Putting their Bids in to Beat Mitch McConnell

Kentucky Democrats will have more variety in deciding who will take on Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell in 2020.

What We Know:

  • Farmer and retired Marine, Mike Broihier entered the race Thursday with a three-minute advertisement that calls on voters to forget their labels. “It’s time to retire Mitch McConnell,” Broihier said in an interview with the Courier-Journal. “We have to do it to restore our democracy, and I’ve been warned about what he’s capable of doing, but it doesn’t scare me.”
  • Broihier is not the only one tossing his hat into the ring. Former Marine Amy McGrath has been in the race since last week and has gained the most national attention as a sort of pro-Trump Democrat. McGrath has brought in more than $5 million but faced backlash for saying she would have voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Things do not look too well for McGrath.
  • During his interview with the Courier-Journal, Broihier discussed meeting with McGrath. “We have a connection through the Marine Corps…We met and talked for about two hours. She was the first person I told I was interested in running,” Broihier said.
  • Sports radio host Matt Jones, State Rep. Charles Booker of Louisville and House Minority Leader Rocky Adkins, of Sandy Hook are other Democrats who are considering running.

Presidential Candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren expressed her support for McGrath’s campaign on Twitter.