State Department Releases Statement on A$AP Rocky being Jailed in Sweden

The United States State Department issued a warning to the Swedish government regarding the arrest and poor treatment of rapper A$AP Rocky.

What We Know:

  • Rocky was arrested in Sweden earlier this month and has since been held in Swedish detention center and allegedly denied some of his legal rights; The conditions in the detention are also said to be “inhumane.” Fans rallied behind Rocky with the popular #JusticeForRocky campaign, and now the US State Department has gotten involved.
  • The State Department released a statement to Politico explaining that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been briefed on the issue, and top officials are monitoring the situation. “We expect all governments, including Sweden, to treat American citizens fairly and with respect. We hope to see A$AP Rocky and his colleagues back on tour and reunited with friends and family soon,” a representative of the department said.
  • Swedish prosecutors will decide by Friday whether to charge Rocky or ask to hold him in detainment longer. Rocky’s lawyer, Alan Jackson, said he has faith in Pompeo and the State Department in their ability to “get Rocky home.” That being said, the State Department has reported facing pushback from the Swedish Embassy in trying to meet with Rocky.
  • The US State Department did not immediately receive notification of Rocky’s arrest, breaking an article from the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. State Department officials were additionally denied access to Rocky at first and were closely monitored when they were eventually allowed to see him.

Rocky’s detainment has inspired public action in the hopes he can be promptly returned to the US, as many believe Rocky remains innocent for his arrest.