Extreme Heat Sweeping US as Globe Warms says Studies

Communities around the country are bracing for an extreme heatwave expected to last through the weekend.

What We Know:

  • This week, several cities in the US could hit record temperatures.
  • The heatwave will affect two-thirds of the country including major cities like Chicago, Boston, New York and Washington D.C. The weekend will bring highs of 97 in Chicago and Boston, 98 in New York and 100 in Washington D.C.

  • The National Weather Service released a statement saying temperatures will surge into the 90s and 100s across the country due to a large dome of high pressure.
  • People in the central U.S. will be hit the hardest by the heatwave, according to The New York Times. The NWS advised residents of Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Illinois to expect a “prolonged period of dangerously hot temperatures and high humidity.” Temperatures will rise to 102 in Kansa and hover in the 100s in Iowa.
  • Visit this weather.gov for a full list of heat advisories.
  • The U.S. is not the only place dealing with high temperatures, in fact, NASA reported this June was the hottest June ever recorded on Earth.

  • People in affected areas are advised to stay indoors, drink plenty of fluids and avoid strenuous activities.

Everyone stay safe!