DC Mayor Bowser hands Trump a $9M bill for depleted event security fund

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser wrote a letter to President Trump requesting the federal government to reimburse the city for the cost of his Fourth of July military celebration.

What We Know:

  • The emergency security fund for the city has depleted over the years due to large city events like Trump’s 2017 inauguration, which cost $7.3 million, and Trump’s “Salute To America” event cost $1.7 million. In the letter, Bowser stated that it has interfered with her ability to keep the city safe.
  • Bowser asked the Trump administration for help in covering D.C.’s security costs, citing “declining reserves, increased demand for heightened security, and the cost of the 2017 inauguration.”
  • “This large, one-time cost has been compounded by Congress only appropriating approximately $13 million to the EPSF for the past few years (when our annual expenditures near $16.5 million), and some unplanned large events such as the state funeral for the late President George H.W. Bush,” Bowser added.
  • Bowser also noted that the fund will be depleted for the rest of 2019, with a deficit of $6 million.

According to the city’s website, the Emergency Planning and Security Fund (EPSF), provides public safety at events related to the presence of the Nation’s Capital in the District, response support to immediate and specific terrorist threats or attacks in the District, and support for requests from the United States Secret Service.