Virginia Republicans Abruptly Adjourn Gun Session

The Virginia Republicans voted to have the session moved to November despite Democrats wanting a vote on gun control measures.

What We Know:

  • Democratic Governor Ralph Northam ordered lawmakers to return to the Capitol after the Virginia Beach shooting on May 31 that killed 12 people.
  • He has proposed expanding background checks, ban on assault weapons to include suppressors and bump stocks, and child access prevention programs as part of his legislation to put a stop to these shootings.
  • After the shooting, he stated that people need “votes and laws, not thoughts and prayers.” Despite this session, it did not stop chaos from making its way to the Virginia Capitol.
  • Gov. Northam was leading those for gun-control in chants of “enough is enough” while the other protestors against gun control caused more distress outside.
  • After the session was adjourned, about 90 minutes later, GOP lawmakers criticized Northam for trying to exploit a tragedy for political gain.
  • Northam stated that “it is shameful and disappointing that Republicans in the General Assembly refuse to do their jobs, and take immediate action to save lives. I expected better of them. Virginians expect better of them…”

This fight is far from over.