New Video Places Jussie Smollett and Attackers At Scene of “Hoax”

The new video shows Empire actor Smollett and the Osundairo brothers (the accused attackers) walking around the scene of the crime just minutes before it occurred.

What We Know:

  • The video, first obtained by Fox News, shows the brothers wearing hoodies and Smollett wearing the same white sweater he wore the day of the attack.
  • He is seen leaving his Chicago building and then heading to “Subway”, where the brothers are also shown walking around the area.
  • Captured from inside a nearby loading dock, an unedited clip shows the trio walking by separately, with the Osundairo brothers heading one direction and Smollett coming from the other just 27 seconds later.
  • One of the brothers is seen wearing a red-brimmed hat that he was spotted wearing inside of the hardware store where they bought supplies for the attack, including “gloves” and “face masks” according to notes taken by the Chicago Police.
  • This case only gets more and more complicated, with Smollett insisting that he is innocent despite the Chicago Police Department being certain he is truly guilty.

Hopefully, this all gets resolved soon.