New York woman admits to killing her 2-year-old twin daughters with her ‘bare hands’

24-year-old Tenia Campbell faces two counts of second-degree murder for the deaths of her twin daughters.

What We Know:

  • The incident took place on Thursday when Vanessa McQueen, Campbell’s mother, received a call from her daughter “threatening to kill herself and her twin 2-year-old daughters,” CNN reported.
  • She dialed 911 and kept her on the phone while an operator listened to the conversation. When McQueen asked about the two girls, Campbell said, “They’re already dead. I killed them with my bare hands.” The call was disconnected shortly after the confession.
  • Law enforcement found Jasmine and Jaida at Montauk County Park inside of Campbell’s car. The girls were in cardiac arrest when they were found and were later pronounced dead at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, ABC reported.
  • The official cause of death has not been released for either of the two girls.
  • Campbell has another child, a 4-year-old boy who lives with his father.
  • McQueen wrote in a statment to the police that her daughter was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a teenager.

Campbell’s next court appearance is scheduled for July 3. If convicted, she could serve 25 years to life behind bars, per charge.