Pools in France Close after Burkini Protest Occur, The burins Are Banned

In France, A group of muslim women have defied a local swimming pool’s ban on wearing burkinis.

What We Know:

  • On Sunday, Muslim women wearing burkini’s protested the Jean Bron swimming pool in the city of Grenoble.
  • Swimming pools are one of several public locations that has banned burkini’s. Because of this protest the women were fine $40 each for “breaking the rules”.
  • Many muslim women stay covered as a part of their faith with garments such as hijab and burqas, so throwing on a bathing suit isn’t as easy as one may think.
  • According to CNN, Alliance Cityoenne said, “The campaign is inspired by the actions of black Americans during the civil rights movement, specifically the use of civil disobedience like Montgomery bus boycott.”
  • “France highest administrative court later ruled that mayors could;t ban the suits, but many cities continue to do so,” according to CNN.

Equality is key, Muslim women would like to enjoy the pools on hot days as well as others.