ACLU Brings First Challenge To Georgia’s Heartbeat Bill

A federal lawsuit was filed in Atlanta against the latest proposed abortion law that should go into effect beginning January 1.

What We Know:

  • On Friday, a federal lawsuit was filed in Atlanta by American Civil Liberties Union, Planned Parenthood and the Center for Reproductive Rights on the new heartbeat ban law.
  • The new Georgia law states that women are banned from having abortions six weeks into a pregnancy.
  • The heartbeat law bans abortions only when a heartbeat can be detected. An unborn child heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks. Many women are unaware that they are with child as soon as the ban takes place, USAToday said.
  • Last month, Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp signed the ban into law, and stated, “We will not back down, we will always continue to fight for life.”
  • The bill includes some exceptions for situations of medical futility or if a mother’s health is at risk ,if it’s a case of rape or incest before the 20-week mark, following if an official police report had be filed before hand, according to CNN.

Ohio, Louisiana, Kentucky and Mississippi have all passed similar bands but no bans are set in stone, as of now, protestors are expecting the band to be blocked by the courts and thrown out.