Over-the-Counter Birth Control? 

Congresswomen introduce “The Affordability is Access Act” on Thursday, hoping to make birth control more accessible.

What We Know:

  • A new bill was introduced that would make birth control pills available over-the-counter. The medication could be purchased without a prescription and would be covered by health insurance.
  • The bill was introduced by Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Patty Murray. Two other Democratic representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Katie Hill co-sponsored the bill.
  • Rep. Ocasio-Cortez stated, “Women should have the right to own and control their own bodies. I am proud to support the #FreethePill legislation, which would make birth control over-the-counter.” She has been very vocal on Twitter about the proposed bill.
  • Members of the Republican party have agreed that birth control should be made available OTC. They just haven’t endorsed the idea of health insurance companies paying for it. The bill would ensure that birth control is made available at a price that is within the means of the public.
  • Speaking about the bill, Rep. Pressley stated, “Reproductive justice is not only a healthcare issue, it is also an economic issue and a civil rights issue.”

These Congresswomen believe birth control should be made available to ALL women, regardless of their economic status.