Nipsey Hussle’s Brother In Competition With The Crips Over The Use Of ‘The Marathon Continues’

Nipsey Hussle’s slogan “The Marathon Continues” has become a tug-a-war between his brother and the “Crips” on who will be granted to trademark it.

What We Know:

  • Rapper Nipsey Hussle, who’s real name is Ermias Joseph Asghedom, is globally known as an American rapper, entrepreneur and community activist. While the recent passing of Hussle  should be cherished and uplifted with joyous times of him, but has caused an uproar in the African American Community, following it creating issues between his brother Samiel Asghedom, AKA “Blacc Sam” and Hussle’s gang the “Crips” on his slogan, “The Marathon Continues.”
  • According to The Blast, “Asghedom filed a trademark application on May 28 to lock down, “The Marathon Continues” for a ton of uses, including entertainment services, music and charitable activities and the doing of good deeds for others and the promotion of ethical and character values.”
  • The Crips also filed to obtain the trademark on May 16, which was 12 days earlier than Asghedom.
  • Asghedom wanted to keep Hussle’s famous slogan in the family, but the Crips won’t see eye to eye with him and feel as though their use of it is better than Asghedoms’. Even though their use of the slogan is pretty similar to his, The Crips want to use Hussles’ slogan to promote charity events, conduct youth sports programs, concert bookings and other entertainment services like boxing contests and an ongoing realty-based television program, The vibe.
  • The tug-a-war is only going to come out one way or another, either Asghedom’s going to receive it or the Crips.

I hope Asghedom is granted the trademark because it’s the last thing Hussle’s  family has of him to keep his legacy alive.