Two innocent men are detained and unlawfully searched

dizzy dez and cop

Two innocent men were detained as well as unlawfully searched in Decatur, Alabama this past weekend.

What We Know:

  • A video circulating on social media shows an interaction between two men and three officers. Dizzy Dez, the CEO of Wave Rydaz Entertainment, and his colleague Sa’von Hobbs were out shooting a video when they were approached by police. The two men were told to put their hands up and they complied, afterwards they were handcuffed.
  • As they were being detained, the police said they were responding to a call that one man was holding another a gunpoint. Dez explained to The Free Thought Project that he felt this claim made by police was an excuse because he believed they would’ve sent more officers to handle a possible hostage situation. Despite asking multiple times, the officers refused to give a valid reason as to why Dez and Hobbs were handcuffed.
  • In the video, a female officer is asking Dez questions and he decides to exercise his 5th amendment right and not answer. As a result, the officer proceeded to pull Dez’s wallet out of his pants and look for identification. Being that Dez did not consent to a search, he asked to speak with a supervisor.
  • An officer responds to Dez request by asking, “Why do you need a supervisor?,” Dez responds, “Because I was just unlawfully searched, I know she’s not supposed to go inside my pants like that.” The officer became frustrated with Dez, “You don’t know half the sh*t you’re talking about,” said the officer. As the officer is walking away, Dez asks for his name and badge number. In the video, it is clear that the officer is upset because he responds by walking up to Dez and getting in his face.
  • As Dez continually asks for the officer’s name, he responds by yelling, “F**k you!” Startled, Dez asks the officer to repeat himself, and he says, “F**k you is my name.” The officer then stormed off and drove away. It was obvious by the body language of the other officers that they were embarrassed by their colleagues behavior. After a few moments, Dez asks if they can be released, and the officers remove the handcuffs.
  • According to Dez, one of the officers apologized to him afterwards because the situation shouldn’t have escalated that far. The officer that offered the apology was also the only African- American officer on the scene. Dez told The Free Thought Project that he had some advice for those who may come in contact with similar situations, “I feel as if everyone should know their rights and shouldn’t be handled in that type of manner when presenting them. Also, you can’t control how an officer reacts so go with the flow but stand on your rights.”

Dez is currently seeking an attorney to file a complaint. Watch the full video below.