94-Year-Old Woman, Evelyn Suggs, Bullied By Developers Over Property

A 94-year-old woman faced harassment from developers trying to purchase her land.

What We Know:

  • Evelyn Suggs, a Nashville, Tenn. resident, owns several properties in the area. Property developers have approached her numerous times about selling her land, but she has refused every time.
  • These developers continue to persist even though Suggs has rejected every offer she has received. Their aggressive pursuit is likely motivated by Nashville’s growing property value. The Nashville Business Journal reported 187 projects planned over the next few years. These developers want to get in on that.
  • She told FOX, “They wanted the whole damn street, but they couldn’t get it because I was there. You understand and I’m not selling.”
  • After one developer was unable to convince Suggs, they reported her for code violations which landed her in court. This is a tactic used by developers to make selling the property seem more attractive.
  • Dr. Yvette Tisdale, the assistant pastor at Suggs’ church, told FOX, “They’re using dirty tactics by reporting her to codes for grass, for a car, for a mailbox, anything they can think of.”
  • A former tenant of Suggs’ stated that she offers affordable rates. She gives new businesses a chance to rent space that they would otherwise be unable to afford.
  • In spite of the harassment, Evelyn Suggs has no plans to sell her land.

This is a shame! These developers need to move on.