Cops Delay Arresting White Woman pulling a gun on Picnicking Black Couple

A white woman pulled out her gun on a black couple who were minding their business picnicking in Mississippi.

What We Know:

  • In the video below KOA Kampgrounds manager, Ruby Howell was seen pointing her loaded gun towards Jessica and her husband Franklin Richardson while demanding them off “private property.”
  • Jessica and her husband were in fear for their lives while having a romantic evening picnicking on KOA Kampgrounds. Jessica said, “This lady just literally pulled a gun because we’re out here and didn’t have reservations for a lake that we didn’t even know we needed to have reservations for.”
  • Howell is clearly breaking the law and should be punished for it. But let the local police tell it, they aren’t in any rush to arrest her. In fact, Captain Brett Watson said the department has reached out to both parties involved for further interviews on the incident.
  • In the process of leaving the KOA Kampgrounds the Richardson’s approached the front office where they were greeted by Mr. Howell, He then said to the Richardson’s, “You don’t need a reservation to access the lake but you do need to sign in.”
  • Many social media users said they wanted Howell to face jail time and called for her arrest in comments on her Facebook Page, which was made private after the video on Tuesday, WSBTV.

Even though Howell was fired she still needs to face consequences on harassing innocent people. I believe she profiled them and don’t want “blacks” on the KOA Kampgrounds. What a shame!