School video shows outraged mom threatening students who bullied her daughter

On Tuesday, May 14th, Christian Tinsley was recorded threatening a class of middle schoolers for bullying her daughter.

What We Know:

  • Christian Tinsley is the mother of a Niguel Hills Middle School student. Her daughter had been being bullied by her male classmates for months.
  • Tinsley filed a complaint with Niguel Hills regarding the bullying the week prior to confronting the students. The school investigated the complaint. One of the male students was suspended for sexual harassment. Other than the one suspension, the school deemed her complaints were unsubstantiated. The school had instructed Tinsley not to make any contact with the parents or the bullies.
  • Unfortunately, the bullying continued and even spread to social media. When Tinsley dropped her daughter off Tuesday morning, her daughter confessed that ‘if she wasn’t as strong as she was, she would have killed herself’. At that point, Tinsley took things into her own hands.
  • She entered the school unannounced and didn’t check in at the front office. One of the students in the second period class, filmed Tinsley’s speech on a cellphone. Tinsley can be heard saying “If y’all bully my daughter, if you look at her the wrong way, if you breathe the wrong way, send you mom to me. Sisters, aunts, anybody over 18. I’ll fuck them up. Do you understand me?”
  • In an interview with CBS Los Angeles, Tinsley admitted that she probably didn’t handle the situation in the best way. “Sometimes if you’ve done everything you can do the way you’re supposed to do it, and it hasn’t been resolved, then sometimes you have to decide if you’re going to go a step further and deal with any consequences.”
  • Tinsley has been banned from Niguel Hills Middle School. The Orange County Sheriff Department is investigating the incident to determine if Tinsley committed a crime.

The school district has begin to reinvestigate the bullying claims made by Tinsley and her daughter.