Utah high school students under investigation for racist photo

The Hurricane police department is investigating a racist photo of two Hurricane high school students circulating on social media.

What We Know

  • The photo shows a person wearing a white hood holding two people in blackface by their shirt collars. A Confederate flag can be seen hanging behind the posing individuals. The photo’s caption said, “N—– hunting 2019: I’m glad I could fill my tags this year.”
  • The individuals in the photo have not been named.
  • A spokesman for the Washington County School District, Steve Dunham,  stated: “This repulsive photo does not represent the concern, love and care of Washington County School District.”
  • According to the spokesman, the individuals were immediately disciplined. The details of the disciplinary consequences are unknown.
  • School district officials informed Law enforcement of the situation. An investigation has since been launched. In a Facebook post, the police department assured the public that “at the conclusion of the investigation the appropriate action will be taken.”

This hateful imagery from such young people is very troubling.