Texas Officer Shoots and Kills Neighborhood Woman

The fatal shooting of Pamela Turner occurred in Baytown, Texas Monday night.

What We Know: 

  • A woman identified as Pamela Turner, 44, was shot and killed Monday night after resisting arrest and attempting to grab an officer’s taser.
  • An officer patrolling the apartment complex where the incident happened recognized Turner and knew she had prior warrants.
  • When the police tried to arrest Turner, she resisted arrest leading to the officer being forced to use his taser that proved to be inefficient.
  • Turner then took the taser and used it on the officer, leading to the officer being “forced the officer to draw his duty weapon and fire multiple rounds at the suspect who was struck at least one time,” Steve Dorris, a Baytown police lieutenant and public information officer, stated.
  • She was declared dead at the scene with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office  now assisting in the investigation.
  • The incident was posted on social media, leading to public questioning as to why she was fatally shot in the first place.
  • Witnesses at the apartment complex  told NBC’s Houston affiliate KPRC-TV that the woman was “not a bad person,” and that she would “just walk around, smoke her cigarettes and walk her dogs.”
  • “They must’ve had a couple of words. Things went a whole different way, and he shot her, and I really feel for the family and I hope they get some type of justice,” Taylin Inniss, a neighbor, said. “I just pray for them honestly because life is short nowadays.”

Praying the family gets the answers and peace they deserve soon.