Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang says his Kids will Drink Flint Tap Water

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang says his kids will drink the Flint, Mich. tap water.

What We Know:

  • In an exclusive interview with The Root, Yang discussed his plans for prioritizing sustainable infrastructure in urban development. He admitted that he is interested in opening a federal inquiry as to why residents of Flint have spent years without clean water.
  • “At this point, it’s like a national tragedy/embarrassment that the people in Flint still have unsafe drinking water,” Yang said about the water crisis in Flint.
  • He stated that he would use federal dollars to fix Flint’s infrastructure if Michigan does not properly handle it. In order to prove the water is clean, he claimed his young children would drink from the tap.
  • Yang also mentions that Flint is not an isolated case because there are other decaying water systems.”Flint is a national symbol. There are other Flints,” he said. He also agreed that environmental racism plays a significant role in the lack of a proper response to this issue.
  • Majority of Yang’s platform is centered on the disruption of automation. In fact, he plans on paying for the Freedom Dividend with a “value-added tax” for big companies like Google and Amazon, according to New Hampshire Public Radio.

For more information on Yang’s policies, visit