Missouri Officer Charged for Accidentally Shooting Black Woman With Gun instead of Taser

Officer Julia Crews was charged with second-degree assault for shooting a shoplifting suspect outside of a grocery store.

What We Know:

  • Officers responded to a call at the Schnucks store in Ladue, MO for suspected shoplifting.
  • Witnesses said the 33-year-old black woman—who was later identified by her family as Ashley Hall—and her friend tried to flee the store with a shopping cart full of groceries as Crews was pulling up to the scene.
  • Crews attempted to handcuff Hall after she fell, but Hall broke free and started to run. Crews then drew her service revolver and fired one shot after mistaking it for her taser.
  • Hall suffered a gunshot wound to the torso but is expected to survive.
  • Hall hasn’t been charged for shoplifting but the case is still under investigation.

After the incident, protesters flooded the Schnucks store parking lot with “Black Lives Matter” posters. Crews is currently on leave from the Ladue police department and turned herself in on Thursday  and is expected to bond out on $2,000.