Judge Refuses to Dismiss $10M Rape Lawsuit Against Russell Simmons

A judge ruled to have the California lawsuit against the hip-hop giant continue this week.

What We Know: 

  • The request to have the lawsuit dismissed was denied on Thursday, according to “NBC News.”
  • The lawsuit was filed by a “Jane Doe” at the Los Angeles County Superior Court in March 2018.  “Jane Doe” claims that “Simmons raped her in his hotel room after they met at a concert.”
  • The judge who denied the request, Marc Gross, stated that “Simmons did not supply sufficient evidence to support his claim that the statute of limitations on the alleged rape had run out.”
  • Not only did he  ask for the lawsuit to be dropped — he also asked for “$36,335 in sanctions against the unnamed accuser for what defense lawyers called a ‘frivolous action.'” This was also denied by Judge Gross.
  • While Simmons and his defense team call this lawsuit “pure fiction”, this is not the first time that Simmons has been accused of sexual misconduct and rape. There are other numerous reports from women like model Tanya Reid, who was reportedly harassed by him in 1994 according to Rolling Stone.

Simmons has been hiding away from the spotlight since these allegations have risen, steeping down from all the “corporate roles” at his various companies.