Pastor bans kids from private school because mother ‘committed adultery’

An Akron mother says her kids have been kicked out of a Cuyahoga Falls private school because an administrator says she “committed adultery.”


What We Know:

  • Summer Grant’s daughters Summara and Summaia, who were fourth and second graders, went to Chapel Hill Christian School for years.  She says an administrator banned her children because he believes she is living in sin.

“He said it was many reasons and the main one was because I was not married and my children had different fathers,” Grant said.

  • In a recorded conversation between Grant and administrator pastor John Wilson, he told Grant she violated the school’s covenant by having kids with different fathers and living with her significant other without being married.

“There’s 10 commandments and committing adultery is not part of that,” Pastor Wilson said. “It’s not that they should not go to the school it’s that they can’t go to the school.”

  • Summara and Summaia’s last day at school was last Friday.
  • Grant says her kids have never been trouble. Pastor Wilson has criticized her marital status before. She says during a conference in July, he questioned why her kids had three different fathers. Grant says he gave her a list of eight recommendations to improve her life.
  • Grant says Administrator John Wilson has reportedly been critical of Grant in the past, once giving her 8 recommendations to improve her life. Last summer, he took issue with her being unmarried, CBS News reports, asking her about her daughters, their fathers, and “how we can get your household to live biblically moral.”
  • Grant was not the only unmarried parent with kids on the campus, which leaves her wondering why she is being singled out, WKYC notes.
  • The school also issued a statement to WKYC, noting that parents sign a written agreement “to conduct themselves in accordance with expressed guidelines of conduct. These policies include, but are not limited to, behavior that relates to the physical safety of our students.”

Read the statement released by Chapel Hill Christian School:

Chapel Hill School statement by on Scribd