HUD Sec. Ben Carson Supports Policy to Un-House Undocumented Immigrants

Last Thursday the HUD Secretary Ben Carson tweeted in support of the Trump Administration’s tighter grip on housing.

What We Know: 

  • According to “The Washington Post”, “The Trump administration is proposing to tighten regulations to prevent undocumented immigrants from accessing federally subsidized housing, a move that low-income housing advocates fear will keep immigrants who are legally entitled to such benefits from receiving help.”
  • This move is fully supported by Carson, stating in his recent tweet that these actions are “putting America’s most vulnerable first.”
  • Currently according to “The Washington Post”, “residents in subsidized housing can declare themselves “ineligible” and avoid revealing their immigration status.”
  • However, the Trump Administration wants to erase the “loophole” so that only “lawful” residents can stay in housing – and those that aren’t will be evicted.
  • The Trump Administration has been working hard to crack down on the rights of undocumented immigrants in the United States, stating that they are a threat to the nation.
  • Carson and Trump have had a rocky relationship, with the HUD Secretary publicly backing the president in 2016 but then cutting off ties in 2017 to back politician Roy Moore.
  • While some worry that Trump will use the addresses of the undocumented houses to deport even more immigrants from the United States, others are thankful for Trump’s hard stance on immigration and his efforts to “Make America Great Again.”

In conclusion, things are about to get really messy before they get better.