CNN’s Paris Dennard Suspended Pending Investigation into Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Paris Dennard, one of the most controversial right-leaning commentators on CNN has been suspended.

What We Know:

  • Dennard is a staunch republican, often appearing on CNN and right-wing television news show defending Donald Trump and his lies.  He’s been a republican since he was a teenager.
  • The Post obtained a copy of an ASU report that described the university’s 2014 internal investigation into Dennard’s conduct. According to the newspaper, the report “describes a series of inappropriate incidents often initiated by Dennard with the two women in 2013 and 2014.”

  • The investigation found that Dennard had committed “serious misconduct.”
  • Shortly after the Post story was published online, a CNN spokeswoman said, “We are aware of reports of accusations against Paris Dennard. We are suspending Paris, effective immediately, while we look into the allegations.”
  • Commentators like Dennard are typically under contract with a specific network for a set period of time. Suspensions are rare, but not unheard of.
  • Dennard has said repeatedly that the allegations are false.


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